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Showing posts from June, 2024


"The more I practice, the luckier I get...there's always stuff to work on.  You're never really there."            Tiger Woods "You don't show up on game day and expect to be great.  Greatness happens in practice.  You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."            Michael Jordan "There is a pursuit that is worthy of is something our souls long for; the life we've always wanted.  It is the quest for what might be called a well-ordered heart... "When the heart is well-ordered, we are not only increasingly free from sin, but also increasingly free from the desire to sin.  If the heart were truly well-ordered, we would love people so much we would not want to deceive or manipulate or envy them.  We would be transformed from the inside out."           John Ortberg A well-ordered heart?  Sounds a lot like recovery to me, but it also sounds like a healthy life.  Anyone's life...emotionally, physically