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Showing posts from November, 2023


"The good news of the gospel is not just that we have accepted Jesus into our lives, but...that He as already accepted us into His."        James and Judith McConkie "In Christ, the future is given as though it had already come.  There's no reason to rush.  There's no reason to fear.  There's no reason to feel ashamed...There's room in the present for each thing to have it's season.  There's room for agency and creativity.  There's room for spirit.  There's space to breath.  There's time for love."        Adam Miller Yes, Marilyn and I attended church that morning, and although I can't tell you who the speakers were or what was said from the pulpit that morning, I do remember the feeling of being there.  It was where I was supposed to be, and I knew it...more that morning than ever.  Marilyn was worried a little.  What would people think when I just passed along the sacrament tray, but didn't take the bread or water?  Well